Shimano Cardiff Calais Calcutta Tekota Trinidad Torium Citica Bearing Washer - BNT2128 / TGT0359

Article number: Bin T3
Availability: In stock (10)
Description: Shimano Cardiff Calais Calcutta Tekota Trinidad Torium Citica Bearing Washer
Part Number: BNT2128 / TGT0359
Quantity: 1
Condition: NEW
Manufacturer: Shimano
Combined Shipping: YES
Original To The Following Reels:

CDF-100A Cardiff Baitcast Reel
CDF-200A Cardiff Baitcast Reel
CDF-300A Cardiff Baitcast Reel
CDF-301A Cardiff Casting Reel
CL-100A Calais Baitcast Reel
CL-200A Calais Baitcast Reel
CL-200ASV Calais Baitcast Reel
CL-200DC Calais Digital Control Reel
CL-201A Calais Baitcast Reel
CL-201DC Calais Digital Control Reel
CTE-100DC Calcutta TE DC Digital Real
CTE-100GT Calcutta TE GT Baitcast Reel
CTE-200GT Calcutta TE GT Baitcast Reel
CTE-201 Calcutta TE GT Baitcast Reel
CTE-400LJV Calcutta TE LJV Baitcast Reel
CTE-401 Calcutta TE Baitcast Reel
TEK-300LC Tekota Drag Reel
TEK-500LC Tekota Drag Reel
TEK-600LC Tekota Drag Reel
TN-10A Trinidad Drag Reel
TN-14A Trinidad Drag Reel
TOR-14 Torium Drag Reel
CL201-5 Calais Low-Profile Baitcasting Reel
CH100B Chronarch Low-Profile Baitcasting Reel
CDF100A Cardiff Round Baitcasting Reel
CH-100BPV Chronarch Low-Profile Baitcasting Reel
CH-100BSV Chronarch Low-Profile Baitcasting Reel
CH-101BPV Chronarch Low-Profile Baitcasting Reel
CH-101BSV Chronarch Low-Profile Baitcasting Reel
CL100A Citica Low-Profile Baitcasting Reel
CL200 Citica Low-Profile Baitcasting Reel
CL200APV Citica Low-Profile Baitcasting Reel
CL200Mg-5 Citica Low-Profile Baitcasting Reel
CTE-51GT Calcutta Round Baitcasting Reel
CTE-101GT Calcutta Round Baitcasting Reel
TN-12 Trinidad Conventional Reel
TN-14 Trinidad Conventional Reel
CDF201A Round Baitcasting Cardiff
CTE50GT Round Baitcasting Calcutta
TEK300 Star Drag Reel Tekota
TEK500 Star Drag Reel Tekota
TEK600 Star Drag Reel Tekota
TN12A Star Drag Reel Trinidad A

​Questions about this item call us 936-264-4167 or email us at [email protected]
-- Returns Or Reels For Repair Should Be Mailed To The Address Below --
16245 FM 1484 RD
Conroe, TX 77303-7149​
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